Game Info

The Cruz site offers instructions on how to play, a complete list of game objects, playing guides, and much more.


Score Table

Solid Wall -20 points on contact.
Breakable Wall -20 points on contact.
Grey walls give +10 points when whipped.
Water -20 points on contact.
Tree -20 points on contact.
Forest -20 points on contact.
Lava +250 points on contact.
Locked Door +20 points when opened.
Boulder +1,000 points when whipped.
Ice Block +1,000 points when whipped.
Electrified Wall -50 points on contact.
Electrified Border Fence -10 * int(LevelNum / 2) points on contact.
Stairs +10 * LevelNum points on contact.
Gem +10 points.
Gem Pouch +1,000 points.
Whip +10 points.
Treasure Chest +50 points.
Teleport Scroll +10 points.
Key No points, but yields great rewards if kept at end of game.
Golden Nugget +500 points.
Power Ring +50 points.
Slow Time Spell +10 points.
Speed Time Spell +20 points.
Freeze Time Spell +20 points.
Blindness Potion +100 points.

Bonus Letters +10,000 points if collected in proper order; no points otherwise.
Tablet +2,500 points.
Magic Spear The spear gives you the standard point value for each enemy killed.
Creature Zap Spell +150 points if 50 enemies eliminated; no points otherwise.
Magic Bomb The bomb gives you the standard point value for each enemy killed.
Teleportation Trap -50 points on contact.
Enemy Creation Trap +20 * LevelNum points on contact.
Red Enemy +10 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Creature Generator +500 points if whipped.
Bug-Eyes +20 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Blue Fighter +30 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Permian Mosquito +40 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Volvox Pod +10 points if whipped or on contact, both pod and spawns.
NO points if a spawn moves into you.
Giant Alligator +20 points if whipped.
NO points if it moves into you.
(Nasty Tree)
+30 points if whipped.
Moving Wall +10 points if whipped.
Blaster Germ +50 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Iron Golem +50 points if destroyed.
Whipper Snapper +50 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
NO points for anything destroyed by this enemy's whip.
Salamander +100 points if whipped.
NO points if it moves into you.
Statue +2,000 points if whipped.
Purple Worm +20 points for each section whipped.
Cruztacean Mage +100 points if whipped or on contact.
NO points if it moves into you.
Acid Blob +10 points if whipped; +100 points on contact.
NO points for enemies killed by splash.
Mind Corrupter +500 points if whipped.

Quest Artifacts Generally between +20,000 and +50,000 points.
The longer the episode, the higher the point value.
Compensation Items -50,000 points if picked up.
Stolen Keys No points.

This page is Copyright © 2011 Christopher Allen.